architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and

architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and


Reinventing the school-yard - How can public school plays a greater civic role in rural Norway? Good meeting places are important for good public health and a good local environment. We work with Vestland County Council for the development and construction of simple, local meeting places with varied and attractive low-threshold offers for physical activity. These must be innovative in function, organization and activities.

Nursing the Care

Nursing the Care is an innovative initiative that aims to integrate healthcare services, staff, and comprehensive care into Danish Social Housing. The project is a first prize winner of international competition Neighbourhood for Generation and was presented at the 28th UIA World Congress 2023 in Copenhagen.

CFE office

In the midst of a health crisis, the Caisse des Français de l'Étranger (CFE), whose mission is to cover the health of expatriates, wanted to set up a reception and work space in the heart of Paris. We produced a flexible space that embraces the architectural codes of the international style, with a rigorous, airy design that echoes the CFE's mission to take over social security worldwide. In order to transform the workspace to accommodate 3 to 5 offices, we developed a hybrid form between the open-space and the enclosed office. Large sheets of glass divide the volume permanently, while additional separations are possible thanks to large acoustic curtains. Within a limited area, we wanted to offer a wide range of possible uses to bring collaborators together around their professional service.

architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and

architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and architecture and urbanism and