Innovative activity place

"How can public school plays a greater civic role in rural Norway ?"

Vestland County
Sogndal, Norway
2200 m2
Jerome Picard, Miriam Sharp Pierson, Silje Lockert, Elida Mosquera
Landscape: Curve studio
Sport hall, music, dance, culture, library, cafe
LOCAL with landscape firm Curve Studio, commissioned by Vestland County Council, have drawn up a project for an innovative activity hall in connection with the building of a new school at Trudvang in the center of Sogndal. The ideas behind our proposal are to create a truly innovative activity venue that exists in its own right. The proposal recognizes the need for a new type of activity venue that mixes sport, art, culture and is an open invitation for everyone to enter. It is open to users who are part of a club or school, but also to others who may not fall into this framework, and may not necessarily find their space to hang out and gather.

The circular shape gives the opportunity to rethink how we connect to the landscape, and creates a well-distributed building that has nothing in front or behind, but is active all the way around. To give the perimeter and good scale for people to use, we transformed the linear round shape into a series of corners that playfully move around. The corners clarify and define all main entrances, and are designed to create large, comfortable outdoor living rooms under the eaves.

The first floor is dedicated to the large hall with bleachers and a soft wall to hang out and play inside. Wardrobe and storage room are well integrated and adapted to expected logistics. The programming around the base hall adds activity opportunities and social meeting places, which complement the activities in the hall. The top floor houses a media library, a music room and a flexible activity room that can be used for health-related consultations, for example. The floor has direct access to a roof garden, with apple trees and a running track. The roof garden also has a transparent net for growing plants vertically, which can both protect against the wind and create an additional visual layer in the round shape.

The proposal also aims to be innovative with regard to sustainability. In addition to the roof garden, parts of the roof area can be designed with solar panels. Collection of rainwater contributes both to watering the greenery and to creating attractive urban space elements on ground level. The building can also be designed with natural ventilation for both the hall and the café. The design utilizes natural daylight to minimize the use of artificial lighting. The project is flexible with regard to the construction method, and can be designed either entirely in wood or as a mixed steel and wood construction.

Innovative activity place
Innovative activity place
Innovative activity place
Innovative activity place
Innovative activity place
Innovative activity place