Silver habitat

“Healthscape - strengthening the place of older people in the social fabric”

Saint-André-de-l'Eure, France
It is common to focus on children and youth as the driving force behind the development of society. Our claim is that older people can also play such roles, and we will therefore give health services a central place socially and geographically, as opposed to isolation, passivity and powerlessness. Such a mindset is necessary given the expected age distribution in the future. By merging as many social functions and age groups as possible, a socially sustainable society can be created, where the eye looking forward has a brain full of memories behind it. It is now possible to create new street images and encounters across generations and health conditions. We believe that this will promote activities and ideas, more independence and new business channels. A new master plan that strengthens and increases the offer in a city that makes sense.
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat
Silver habitat