Vinje Center

« nynorsk kultursentrum, concept for a new permanent exhibition. »

Vinje-senteret / Nynorsk kultursentrum v/ Per Magnus Finnanger Sandsmark
Vinje, Norway
400 m2 + outdoor
Elida Mosquera, Jerome Picard
Exponent, StudioBoi
exhibition, culture, places
Our concept establishes a spatial language that is distinct and integrated to the museum. It is distinct at the image of the exhibition itself that brings for the first time poetry and journalism together.

We want to develop a simple, elegant and playful language of form and natural material that can be developed with the museum team in the next phase. We wish to cultivate a sense of discovery for the visitors of all ages. It is a literary and historical journey where curiosity and interactions punctuates the visit across the different themes. We embrace the choice for natural material of the museum to propose furniture in cork and plywood, printed curtains of different textures, following trails of stone. We place the emphasis on physical interaction between items taken from the domestic that we can pull, roll, push, open, slide to uncover different layers of the narrative.

We also give clear spatial form to make easy the development of several topics, like a book does to its chapter. We create large shelf, and room length curtains, an evident exhibition ‘center-piece’ that free the wall and invite us to a walk around the topics in this room.

The display furnitures are always dual with information for grown-up and secret hide-out with dedicated information for children so that they are inclusive for all ages. The exhibition is designed to be a robust exhibition to be easily managed by the daily staff. The creation of new content, or adjustment over the years is made easy. We can print new textile with new text or add new layers. The furnitures are on wheels to symbolize the idea of travel but it can also be useful to think we can reorganize the 1,20m modules so that it offers some flexibility for the next 10 years. It also includes the design for punctual moments for the outdoor area of the center.

Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center
Vinje Center